Emissions in a Trade Context Part 1
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  • Professor E. Lydgate
  • Video 18.46 Minutes
  • CPD Certification
Course overview
Learn about the challenges that interconnected global supply chains pose for domestic climate action, and what they mean for global responsibility for reducing emissions. Learn about the rapidly evolving domestic regulatory toolkits countries are using to address consumption emissions and examine trade policy implications of domestic and cooperative approaches to tackling this issue.

What's included?

  • 7 Chapters
  • 1 Certification
  • 340 Questions
  • 25 Video
  • 32 PDF

Become a Strategist 

You will learn how to develop, organize and implement a content marketing strategy, analyze and measure the effectiveness of content marketing, write compelling copy, set a strategic framework when writing

Personal brand

 You will also learn how to put the ideas presented to you into action and build your own personal brand through content marketing.
Meet the instructor

Patrick Jones

Patrick Jones is a content marketing professional since 2002. He has a Masters Degree in Digital Marketing and a Bachelors in Education and has been teaching marketing strategies for over 15 years in Chicago. Patrick enjoys teaching all levels and all ages. He looks forward to sharing his love of building meaningful and effective content with all students to develop their marketing abilities.
Patrick Jones - Course author